trade policy

Tuk-tuk economy: Where algorithms meet asphalt

By Dhananath Fernando

Originally appeared on the Morning

In mainstream media, clashes between app-based ride-hailing taxis and traditional taxis are frequently reported, especially in tourist hotspots such as Kandy, Sigiriya, and even at the Bandaranaike International Airport. 

However, many Sri Lankans, including tuk-tuk drivers, do not fully understand the economic logic behind this. Often, the debate centres on high commissions taken by app companies or the notion that international ride-hailing platforms repatriate profits overseas.

At the ‘Ignite Growth Conference’ organised by the Advocata Institute, PickMe Founder Jiffry Zulfer shed light on the economic transformation driven by platforms like PickMe and its main competitor, Uber.

The core concept of ride-hailing apps is the ability to match demand and supply within a limited geographic radius in real-time. According to Zulfer, PickMe facilitates around 20 rides every second, striving to ensure that passengers always have a ride available and that drivers remain engaged and productive.

This matching of demand and supply has created significant market efficiency. On average, a driver using the app completes around 17 hires per day, compared to just 7-10 hires for a driver waiting at a tuk-tuk stand or roaming the streets. As a result, app-based drivers utilise their vehicles approximately 81% of the time, compared to just 39% for traditional drivers.

From an economic perspective, this availability of information – knowing who needs a ride and who can provide one – drives greater efficiency, not just for passengers and drivers, but for society at large as well. According to Zulfer, PickMe has covered over one billion passenger kilometres and now transports more people daily than Sri Lanka’s railway system.

Early investors in PickMe saw returns of up to 300 times their original investment, and it is likely the Government benefited as well, collecting around 30% in taxes. App-based drivers now earn on average 40% more than traditional taxi drivers, transforming the lives of 30-50% of tuk-tuk drivers in a population of 1.2 million tuk-tuk owners in Sri Lanka. 

In essence, the biggest beneficiaries of this shift have been ordinary working-class drivers, passengers, investors, and the Government.

PickMe is now listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange, opening the door for broader public investment and shared benefits.

It is crucial to recognise that when demand and supply are allowed to interact freely, it creates a win-win outcome for all stakeholders, unlike Government-run businesses, which often favour one group at the expense of others.

Zulfer also categorised tuk-tuk drivers into three groups based on their engagement: a large segment contributes less than three hours per day, a second tier less than six hours, and only a minority works full-time (over eight hours) through the platform. Interestingly, more women are now joining the platform, unlocking new income opportunities and increasing female participation in the workforce.

The PickMe Founder further explained that when adjusting for inflation, ride prices had decreased, providing passengers with real financial benefits beyond mere convenience. At the time of launch, the app’s per-kilometre rate was Rs. 33, compared to the Rs. 40 charged by traditional meter taxis. This holds true across other ride-hailing platforms as well. 

Unfortunately, many policymakers still struggle to grasp the fundamental economic principles at play – how market forces, when allowed to operate freely, can uplift the average citizen.

Ride-hailing services have since expanded into motorbike transport, courier services, and food delivery. These platforms are now among the largest ‘restaurant’ operators in the country, despite not owning a single restaurant. 

The same model has given rise to the ‘dark kitchen’ phenomenon, enabling home-cooked meals and micro-businesses to reach a wide customer base. This has changed food habits, offered consumers more choice, and encouraged families to spend more time together with the convenience of food delivery.

Zulfer’s economic logic applies beyond transportation. It holds true for other network-based platforms like, Airbnb, and others. The average person, especially those with entrepreneurial spirit, stands to benefit the most.

In Sri Lanka, the majority of room inventory is offered by micro and small-scale lodge owners. Online platforms have empowered them to tap into the tourism ecosystem and earn foreign income, something that was previously out of reach.

Understanding the economic logic of network-based industries is crucial for Sri Lanka’s growth. These platforms enhance productivity, generate opportunities, and create wealth. While foreign direct investment and trade policy are important, we must also pay attention to the power of networking demand and supply.

Imagine a world where the same happens to our entire public transport system. Things will not be perfect, but they definitely would be in a much better form than it is at the moment.  

By simply enabling the right environment – often by not interfering – governments can allow these industries to flourish, driving economic efficiency, opportunity, and prosperity for all.

Meeting pricing equilibrium during the fuel crisis

(Source: Slide presented by PickMe Founder Jiffry Zulfer at the ‘Ignite Growth Conference’)

IMF Programme #17: takes two to tango

Originally appeared on the Daily FT, Ada derana, Groundviews

By Daniel Alphonsus

On Sri Lanka’s reform-regress-run to the IMF crisis cycle

Countries never learn from others’ mistakes, they only learn from their own. Sri Lanka is an exception: we don’t even learn from our folly. Apparently neither does the IMF. Sri Lanka’s 17th IMF programme is set to be approved on March 20th. Is it welcome? Yes. Will it break Sri Lanka’s reform-regress-run to the IMF crisis cycle? Probably not. 

All reforms undertaken over the past half-year to win IMF board approval are reversible. None of them constitute entrenched changes in economic policy or governance. We are building our recovery on the shakiest of foundations. The fuel and electricity price ‘formulae’, tax plus interest rate increases and greater exchange rate flexibility can all be altered, more or less, at the stroke of a pen.  

This is not surprising. Sri Lanka has a chequered history of cosmetic compliance: ticking the boxes of virtue and sensibility via international undertakings during desperate times, and then reverting to business-as-usual once crisis abates. We have good reason to think that, this time too, the future will rhyme with this past. Undoubtedly, post IMF board approval, some reforms less easy to rewind will come to pass - the new Central Bank Act being the most notable. 

But the IMF’s bargaining power peaks prior to board approval. That is the decisive point in this process. It is the pivotal moment for any attempt to use this crisis to build the foundations required for breaking the crisis cycle and going from third-world to first. If the most contentious and critical reforms are not pushed through prior to board approval, there is good reason to think they will not come to pass. Remember that of its 16 programmes thus far, Sri Lanka’s has only completed two extended / structural programmes. The remainder are either relatively insignificant standby-facilities or derailed extended programmes

Considering the unprecedented nature of the current crisis, this is a colossal missed opportunity. As argued in a prequel article, Programme 17 could have and should have broken this cycle. Public opinion was desperate, the government commanded a super-majority in Parliament and the IMF held all the aces. The distinction between what is desirable and what is feasible had, almost overnight, dissolved. The cry for fuel and electricity was so piercing and loud that a comprehensive and deep programme permitting profound economic restructuring was possible for the first time since 1977. 

Moreover, even if some of the required reforms come to fruition over Programme 17’s next few reviews - it will still be a missed opportunity. Reform takes time, effort and energy. These are scarce resources. As major structural reforms - such as the central bank act, fiscal rules, privatisations and labour market reforms - were not completed as prior actions, it means the first few reviews will be focussed on them. This will leave little room for some of the more complex long-term reforms; especially in land, the public service and regulatory policy (e.g. competition policy). 

Of course, we are a sovereign state, so primary responsibility for this failure lies in our own polity. But we find little hope in ourselves. As weary and jaded citizens we tend to assume inertia, or worse, on our side as a given. Which is why this article is about the IMF’s failure. 

What could the IMF had done differently? Especially considering its familiarity with Buenos Aires, it should know that it takes two to tango. As Keynes famously said of the IMF and World Bank; the Bank’s a fund, and the Fund’s a bank. Considering the creditor-borrower relationship between the IMF and Sri Lanka; as a creditor the IMF should bear some responsibility for the failure of so many programmes over such a long period of time. The IMF’s own kapuralas have conceived of programme conditionality as a form of collateral. The IMF ought demand more conditionality as collateral prior to lending. This, of course, requires review of past country programmes and, as we all know, economic history and country expertise are not exactly first-rank priorities at the Fund. 

Anyone involved in economic policy-making in Sri Lanka, the IMF included of course, knows that much of the technical work was already done. When the staff-level agreement was signed in September last year, there was a great deal of reform that just required political will and nothing else. Cabinet had approved an earlier version of the new central bank bill during the last days of the Samaraweera ministry. Placing energy price formulas on a statutory footing shouldn’t take more than a day’s drafting. Fiscal rules legislation was already in a relatively advanced stage. Non-legislative measures could also have been mandated - the state could readily have divested its stakes in Sri Lanka Telecom and Lanka Hospitals. These firms are already listed with established valuations. Considering the 200 days between the staff-level agreement in September and board approval now, we had more than enough time to list the major state banks and Sri Lanka Insurance; maybe even privatize the East, Jaya and Unity container terminals. After all, for better or worse, remember the plantations were effectively privatized within fourty-eight hours. These delays are all the more astonishing due to the hypocrisy of asking for favours from our creditors while refusing to sell underperforming assets. 

Primary balance vs growth 

Considering the political cost of market pricing energy and increasing taxes, from a political point of view, there is tremendous incentive for the political leadership to undertake structural reform in return for less pain. Sri Lanka’s future debt sustainability (or lack thereof) is a function of current and future (a) government revenue, (b) government expenditure and (c) GDP growth. By raising Sri Lanka’s growth potential, both the IMF and long-term creditors could and should have been willing to trade-off revenue and expenditure targets for entrenched, high quality structural reform. The one percent rate hike - which the central bank opposed - just before placing Sri Lanka on the board agenda illustrates this well. Clearly, this temporary, one-off one percent increase in interest rates was considered decisive for obtaining board approval. Why then was not actually passing the central bank bill in Parliament - which is likely to shape inflation rates for decades? Note that in my view, the IMF’s bargaining power at this juncture could be so strong that a trade-off between primary balance linked targets and structural reforms may not exist. The IMF may have been able to demand both. That is the IMF could have had the cake, eaten the cake and called it a letter of intent. 

Primary balance today vs primary balance tomorrow

Even if one does not buy the argument of reducing the primary balance target today in exchange for growth tomorrow, two strategies superior to the status quo could have been pursued. 

First, instead of trading off the primary balance versus growth, we could have exchanged a primary balance improvement today for a larger primary balance improvement tomorrow. The IMF could have permitted reducing the primary balance target today in exchange for entrenched reforms that result in a paradigm shift in Sri Lanka’s primary balance trajectory for the future. For example, coming back to the central bank bill, through greater depoliticization and limitations on central bank funding of government deficits, this landmark reform is likely to change Sri Lanka’s medium to long term primary balance trajectory. The ‘net present value’ of this change in primary balance terms - even when discounted for the probability of it being unenforced - is likely to be greater than a few percentage point changes in the primary balance today. 

Optimizing this trade-off would also have the added benefit of placing less pain on the public and reducing the extent of contractionary policy amidst Sri Lanka’s worst economic crisis in decades. 

Second, there are some measures that can improve the primary balance today, and tomorrow. A good example is the sale of shares in state banks. The sale of minority stakes in BOC and People’s Bank will raise money for the exchequer, boosting the primary surplus. However, especially if the banks are listed, it will also make it more difficult for the state banks to permit the government to create enormous contingent liabilities via loans to the CEB and CPC, resulting in a healthier future primary balance. 

Overdiscounting the future

The argument often made in response is that the IMF cannot tradeoff the certainty of hitting quantitative targets today, in return for structural reforms whose fruits may not materialize tomorrow. This view is misguided. First, deep understanding of context enables a reasonably good assessment of the probabilities of a structural reform producing a desired outcome - enabling the computation of rough expected values. For example, we know that once a privatization takes place it is unlikely to be easily undone. Second, even after first discounting on the basis of probabilities, a second round of discounting can take place to compensate - to some degree - for the uncertainty inherent in structural reform.

There are two dancers in this toxic tango. They both need to take stock of the past, break with it and dance a new dance. Introspection is a good start. The IMF and our government should get together and commission a review of all past programmes to inform the design and implementation of the current programme. In the meantime, the priority should be to ensure as many structural reforms as possible are pushed through prior to the first review. If we are able to use entrenched, high-quality structural reform to credibly improve Sri Lanka’s medium term growth and primary balance trajectory, we should be able to avoid some of the short-term pain and contraction that we would otherwise experience. Then, maybe instead of toxic tango, we can look forward to a solid baila session. With the President, as he did with Iranganie Serasinghe, accompanying the IMF’s managing director for a round of kaffirhina. After all, compared to austerity, structural reform is a sumhiri pane.

The opinions expressed are the author’s own views. They may not necessarily reflect the views of the Advocata Institute or anyone affiliated with the institute.

On the 75th Independence, time to re-plug to the world economy

Originally appeared on the Daily FT

By Anuka Rathnayake & Thilini Banadara

As Sri Lanka is inaugurating its political independence of 75 years on 4 February, the burning issue the public is struggling to grapple with, in the recent past, is the worst economic slump. Many factors have contributed to the current economic crisis but protectionism and trade barriers are main elements that have further depleted the economy, shaping it as uncompetitive and inward-looking.

Even though Sri Lanka was known as a fairly open economy, the dynamics of trade has changed since 2004. The planned reduction of tariffs into a single band had been abandoned by the end of 1990s.  Since about 2005, Sri Lankan trade policy has been characterised by a protectionist approach. 

The Government was involved in economic decision making and policies related to import substitution were much more prominent. As highlighted in the Trade Policy Review of Sri Lanka by the World Trade Organisation in 2010, the average tariff protection increased . In fact, it can be noted as frequent and ad hoc changes in tariff structure. The trend in protectionist policies resulted in a fall of exports as depicted by the ratio of exports to GDP . 

In 2009, by the time peace was restored, Sri Lanka had nine para tariffs applicable for imports  in addition to the standard customs duties, of which , five were ‘para-tariffs’: taxes which are only applied to imports and there is no domestic equivalent. Adding  to whatever protection is provided to domestic production by customs duties, with such para tariffs being in place, the protectionism became even more complicated. 

A systematic comparison of Sri Lanka’s tariff structure at November 2002, January 2004, 2009 and January 2011 suggests that the total protection rate notably increased between 2004 and 2009 . 

The ensuing years were followed by many ad hoc and duty exceptions and case-by-case adjustment of duties on many imports which directly compete with domestic production. By 2015, the average effective rate of protection for manufacturing production had increased by 16%.

This trend is well depicted through the Trade Openness indicator as given in Figure 1. The degree of openness is measured by the actual size of registered imports and exports of an economy. In other words, it suggests how free or restricted a country is in its relations with the rest of the world. 

Since 2004 onwards there has been a decline in the trade openness of Sri Lanka and this trend continued up until 2010. By 2015 with an increased rate of protection, the trade openness deteriorated to 36.6%. 

Since 2019, Sri Lanka has been pushing many import controls creating disruptions in the market. This tendency resulted in further decline of trade openness 32.2% in 2020. It is similar to the trade openness during 1970 - 1976 when the liberalisation policies were reversed and the economy had high regulations. The trade policy was more aligned towards import substitution.

Trade restrictions 

Sri Lankan businesses face a variety of trade restrictions exacerbated by the economic crisis. Accordingly, such conditions that impact the price, quality, quantity, or timeliness of product delivery but are outside the direct control of the exporter or importer. 

Both the importing country’s border and the border of the exporting country have been parallelly imposed with restrictions. Even though a number of Free Trade Agreements have reduced external trade barriers and expanded access to markets, Sri Lanka has kept its borders closed by enacting internal trade restrictions.

Internal trade restrictions can be identified in terms of broader categories such as; 

1. Monetary and regulatory barriers, 

2. Procedural barriers, 

3. Service barriers,

4. Technical barriers and 

5. Market barriers 

Currently a number of monetary and regulatory barriers exert pressure on Sri Lankan businesses, while lowering the country’s competitiveness on international trade. Such barriers include complex tariff structures, quotas, import restrictions, excessive duties or levies and export and import licenses. 

Both exporters and importers encounter ineffective, unpredictable, and less transparent procedures throughout the entire trade process. This is mostly the result of poor coordination between agencies and excessive bureaucracy (red tape) among Government employees.

Additionally, the distribution and financial services channels are two areas where existing enterprises face significant service obstacles, which slows down the final stage of clearance.  Shedding further light on the obstacles placed, the technological obstacles  have a negative impact on the export competitiveness of local enterprises because of their limited technical and financial resources. Besides the market constraints like price controls are a significant obstacle because they are unrealistic in a setting of shifting global markets and fluctuating currencies.

Impact of trade restrictions

Over the years, the country has experienced a number of adverse effects due to trade restrictions. Net economic losses in the wider economy have increased as this restricts competition. Shrinking volumes of exports and imports have negatively affected domestic production. Consumers are left with limited choice of products while they experience increased prices. 

Trade restrictions impact the macroeconomy with a fall in employment opportunities mainly due to the deterrents on domestic and foreign investment. Limitations on land, labour and capital have disincentivised investors from competitive export industries to protected industries and inefficient import substitution. Reduction in economic activity has increased the economic woes among people.  

Restrictions on trade have put a significant number of businesses in a precarious position.  Starting with street vendors, small and medium scale enterprises who depended on imported raw materials to the larger apparel and construction industries; all the businesses are finding it a challenge to continue their business. 

Way towards trade freedom

The way to greater freedom of trade is to reformulate the existing monetary policies and laws in order to enhance trade freedom and provide more opportunities for local enterprises to engage in trade. Also in the current context, easing import restrictions and reducing taxes or levies on imports and exports would be crucial.  Additionally, it is important to remove unnecessary Government red tape or bureaucracy wherever possible to make customs processes more simple, effective, clear, predictable and timely. This will help to cut down on processing times at the border and make the movement of goods cheaper, faster and more efficient.

Paving way to greater freedom to Trade - the ability to exchange goods and services openly, creates greater opportunities for Sri Lankans to achieve greater economic prosperity. It opens many avenues towards competition, innovation and economies of scale. The beneficiaries of open trade are the Sri Lankan citizens and businesses who will benefit from lower prices and greater choice.  

Freedom to trade will ensure the economic freedom by which the fundamental rights of an individual to make their economic decisions will enhance. The true meaning of independence will only be assured through greater economic freedom. 

Source : Central Bank of Sri Lanka 

The opinions expressed are the author’s own views. They may not necessarily reflect the views of the Advocata Institute or anyone affiliated with the institute.