Are plans to lift vehicle import ban truly wise?
By Dhananath Fernando
Originally appeared on the Morning
Many Sri Lankans, including myself, are products of a failed middle-class dream. We aspire to be doctors, lawyers, and accountants because that path seems to promise a reasonable house and a decent vehicle.
Yet, bad economics has turned us into a generation of frustrated, failed middle-class citizens. Among the middle class, one of the most debated topics is vehicle imports – a key symbol of socioeconomic aspirations – which has recently resurfaced as a contentious issue.
While the Government has not clarified its stance on vehicle imports, the economic consequences of restricting them are evident. A black market emerges and people are forced to pay exorbitantly high prices for second-hand vehicles that are 5-10 years old. The economic impact of such inflated vehicle prices often goes unrecognised.
When someone spends three times the vehicle’s actual value, they lose the ability to invest the same amount in other life priorities – building or expanding a home, starting a business, pursuing professional or children’s education, or supporting leisure and the arts. This ripple effect stifles personal aspirations and reduces income opportunities for micro, small, and medium-sized businesses.
While I strongly advocate for relaxing vehicle import restrictions (or any import restrictions), the reasoning often used to justify such relaxation is flawed. Many argue that importing vehicles would boost Government revenue through increased border taxes, especially given the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) target of raising Sri Lanka’s revenue to 15% of GDP.
However, relying on border taxes for revenue sets a dangerous precedent, making our economy less competitive. This logic paves the way for protectionist measures like tariff hikes, a strategy that failed us during the 30-year war when high tariffs funded fiscal deficits but left our exports uncompetitive and fostered corruption.
Instead, the Government should focus on sunsetting unnecessary tax concessions, eliminating vehicle permit schemes for public servants, and broadening the tax net through investments in digitising the Inland Revenue Department.
The concerns: Currency depreciation and congestion
The two main arguments against vehicle imports are currency depreciation and increased congestion.
Currency depreciation
Currency depreciation is often wrongly attributed to imports. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Sri Lanka banned most imports, including essential medicines, yet the currency depreciated from Rs. 180 to Rs. 360. Before the ban, vehicle imports amounted to around $ 1 billion annually, while fuel imports, at $ 3 billion, should theoretically have had a greater impact on currency depreciation.
In reality, currency depreciation and reserve depletion occur when the Central Bank increases rupee supply by artificially lowering interest rates. When interest rates are kept low, borrowing becomes cheaper, prompting higher demand for credit – for vehicles, housing, and business expansion – which in turn drives up import demand. As a result, people demand more dollars from banks, leading to currency depreciation.
If the Central Bank refrains from artificially suppressing interest rates, banks will need to redirect credit for vehicle purchases from other sectors, naturally balancing the flow of rupees in the economy. Higher interest rates would curb excessive consumption, including vehicle purchases.
Unfortunately, the Central Bank has historically enabled excessive consumption by maintaining artificially low interest rates, which leads to higher import demand and ultimately depletes reserves as it attempts to defend the currency.
Thus, vehicle imports have little direct impact on currency depreciation or reserve depletion. Instead, the focus should be on managing interest rates to balance economic activity. That said, a phased approach to relaxing vehicle imports is advisable to avoid shocks to the economy. Notably, despite import relaxations, the Sri Lankan Rupee has appreciated by approximately 11%.
Concerns about increased congestion due to vehicle imports are valid. However, the solution lies in improving public transportation. Significant investment in public transport infrastructure would reduce the demand for personal vehicles. Additionally, mechanisms for exporting used vehicles could help mitigate congestion.
Excessive taxes on vehicles will not develop public transport. On the contrary, such taxes exacerbate issues by suppressing aspirations, limiting personal choices, and further deteriorating the public transport system.
Developing public transport requires policy shifts, such as cancelling the restrictive route permit system, engaging the private sector, and relaxing price controls on bus fares. These reforms, not 300% vehicle taxes or outright bans, will address congestion effectively.
Way forward
Vehicle import restrictions and excessive taxes have far-reaching implications that go beyond economics, affecting aspirations and everyday lives.
While phasing out restrictions and ensuring fiscal discipline are essential, the Government must prioritise structural reforms and long-term solutions like public transport development and tax base expansion. Only then can we create an economy that balances growth, equity, and personal freedom.